I also wanted to point some stuff out about Red Dead Redemption. If you have not played this game yet I highly suggest that you do, it's basically GTA in the old west. The horses are awesome, the landscape is amazing and the multiplayer experience is nothing like I have ever seen before plus there are animals that will maul you to death! It's fast paced, addicting and when and if it ever comes out for pc will be the next Rockstar game that I modify.
Also with past GTA games when making mods for them I have been given a lot of shit about my nude mods that I have made with users saying that they were not appropriate and that I was somehow a bad person for making them, I have been banned from forums and looked down upon by a community of GTA followers that I considered friends. Well today it's my turn to slap you all in the face with this neat little video of a mission in Red Dead Redemption that I took where it shows an unmodified scene created by Rockstar games themselves in which John walks into a building where another character in the game is fucking a fatty little old mexican lady on the table. They finish up and as she is running by John to leave you can clearly see her nipples and her bush along with some belly rolls. So it seems that even Rockstar is down for some full frontal nudity in their games! Why again are nude mods so wrong? Don't answer that because I really don't care just enjoy the video and then go download my nude mods for GTA and enjoy the sweet nude pixels if your into that sorta thing! (Henti is very popular in the US and Japan)
Now with that out of the way here is a new GTAIV mod for all of you to enjoy!
This GTAIV only mod the Cowboys and Indians pack will give you two new multiplayer models a cowboy and a indian. It will also change your shotgun and your bat into a 8 gage shotgun and a tomahawk. With this mod installed while playing multiplayer anyone playing as a guy will look like a cowboy and anyone playing as a girl will look like an indian.
To download the mod click the image above!
Also if you would like to use the tomahawk model in something other than GTAIV you can purchase it from Turbosquid by clicking the link below!

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