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Pipe wrench
(Crowbar Replacement)
This mod will replace your Crowbar in GTA V PC with a Pipe wrench!
This mod has correct weapon placement in the players hand and it changes the Crowbar weapon pickup icon as well but there is not a custom hud icon for it because as of 5/11/2015 when this mod was released the tools used for GTA V PC modding had no texture edit options.
I have included a edited hud image file that has a hud icon for the Pipe wrench instead of the Crowbar and once OpenIV will allow texture edits it can be installed by following the directions in the Readme.txt included in this mod.
Once the programs used for 3d modeling and GTA V PC modding advance to the point to where I can do more I will but until then this is the best I could do with what I have.
OpenIV now has the option to edit GTA V PC .rpf files but it is still very limited in what it can do.
To make OpenIV work it requires the use of Alexander Blades ASI Script Hook tool and it also uses a custom OpenIV ASI plugin to prevent mods from being used in GTA Online.
You must download and install the ASI Script Hook tool from and the OpenIV ASI plugin before any of your edited GTA V PC files will work in the game. You can download OpenIV from and once installed it will prompt you to download and install the OpenIV ASI plugin when you try to edit any of the .rpf files in GTA V PC.
With that info out of the way I would like to present to everyone the first GTA V PC modification made by Switch Designs:
(Hatchet Replacement)
This mod will replace your Hatchet in GTA V PC with a Skateboard!
This mod does not have correct weapon placement and there is not a custom hud icon for it because as of 5/10/2015 when this mod was released the tools used for GTA V PC modding had no texture edit option and there was no plugins for any modeling programs that would allow me to change the skateboards position in the players hand.
Once the programs used for 3d modeling and GTA V PC modding advance to the point to where I can do more I will but until then this is the best I could do with what I have.
I need some help!!! I have model files from GTA IV/EFLC that I created in zmodeler2 and they are locked and I no longer have the original .z3d files for them. What I need is someone who can tell me how to unlock my GTA IV/EFLC model files that I created in GTA format with Zmodeler2 so that I can import them and use them in GTA V. I already know how to unlock GTA SA files and GTA VC files or I would be asking for help with those too but if you can help in any way please email me at any help would be appreciated. has posted a awesome cheat page for GTA V PC and it's as close as we are going to get to having modifications of normal game play in GTA V until modding tool development advances to the next level.
Click the gta5cheats logo above to see the cheats.
I now have GTA V for PC installed and running but I have happy news and sad news for everyone.
I will give you the sad news first and then I'll follow that up with some happy news to make you all feel better.
Currently there is not a working .yft (model) and .ytd (texture) plugin for Zmodeler3. What that means is that model edits with custom made models are not currently possible until a plugin is created and Oleg over at Zmodeler3 has posted in his forums that he is working on it but it is going to take some time.
Now don't let that get you down because it just takes some time for these things to happen and besides here comes the happy news.
The people over at OpenIV have made it possible to open and view GTA V .rpf files which allows me to basically crack open the game and see all of its dirty little secrets like finding Jesus as seen below.

There are also animation files for horses in the games .rpf files as well as chicken hawks, humpback whales and things like topless female pedestrians and zombie pedestrians and all sorts of other files for things that are not currently in the game yet, but sadly no Jetpacks... There are a few mod ideas that I have come up with that do not require me to edit a model or its textures but I do need to be able to edit the .rpf files and OpenIV will not allow editing of the .rpf files at this time. I'm sure OpenIV will allow editing soon it just takes a while after the PC release of a GTA game before editing is possible.
Also I will not be hunting the internets to see if my ideas have already been done by someone else. If I create something for GTA V I want it known that the idea came from inside of me not from other peoples modifications. I don't need to steal my great ideas from other people and I have never been fond of copycats and people who take credit for other peoples work. So with that said I'm going to go get back to work on creating the latest and greatest GTA V PC mods that the world has ever seen.
The day has finally arrived! As of 5pm Pacific time according to Steam GTA V PC Version will be unlocked and available to play.
Also Tomorrow 4/14/2015 is my 18th wedding anniversary and a total of 20 years of being with my beautiful wife who I love and adore more than anything else in the world even more than my love of GTA. So with that in mind I'm all hers tomorrow and the rest of the world can have me the day after ^.^
So keep checking back here for the latest GTA V PC mods and updates by me Switch Designs starting 4/15/2015.
Finally Rockstar has came through and released Heists. These new multiplayer missions are like playing story mode with friends and do not disappoint. Tons of unlockables like Vehicles, Weapons, and Gear plus the ability to have custom gear sets is simply amazing. The only complaint I have is the extremely long loading screens which I hope to see fixed soon, but over all I must say thanks Rockstar for not fucking up this major advancement to GTA V Online. I will be playing online this week at varied times completing heists with people and if you would like to run one with me or just want to say hi you can find me on the PS4 playing as SwitcHeisenberg.