I have started to make a few things that I saw in the latest GTAV trailer for GTAIV, The first is a GTAIV mod that will change your jetmax boat in GTAIV into a surfboard.
It's been a crazy few months for me but I wanted to make something special for everyone this Halloween seeing as there have not been any updates on the site in quite a while. GTAIII had it's 10th birthday, GTAV has been announced and I'll be making mods for it as soon as it hits the PC but in the mean time bust out your GTAIV for some rocket launching fun with this GTAIV only mod that will replace your RPG-7 in GTAIV with a custom bone head launcher and rockets. It also includes a custom weapon hud icon!
This GTAIV only modification will change your bat into a United States of America Flag.
Click the mod image above to download!
Also if you would like to use the USA FLAG model in something other than GTAIV you can purchase it from Turbosquid by clicking the link below!
Happy 420 everyone! This GTAIV only mod was recreated at 4:20 on 04/20/2011 and it will change your baseball bat into a Graffix Water Pipe that comes in 5 different colors. I made this mod long ago originally for GTA Vice City and it was created at the request of a old friend.
Click the mod image above to download!
Also if you would like to use the Graffix Water Pipe model in something other than GTAIV you can purchase it from Turbosquid by clicking the link below!
This GTAIV only mod will change your Faggio scooter into a Hello Kitty version, your grenades into exploding Hello Kittys, your Liberty sweater into a Hello Kitty sweater and your helmet into a Hello Kitty helmet. I created this mod at the request of my daughter who one night asked me to color with her and then had me color in her Hello Kitty coloring book!
Click the mod image above to download!
You can see the crayon colored picture I colored with my daughter here.
Also if you would like to use the Hello Kitty (Grenade) model in something other than GTAIV you could at one time purchase it from Turbosquid but I have since removed the link to it because Sanrio (The creators of Hello Kitty) asked Turbosquid to remove the model...
Well Christmas and New Years 2010 were quite a busy time for me! At the end of the year I moved to a new department in the company that I'm working for and with all of the training involved it kept me quite busy, plus now I'm working full time again and I was not able to do much for holiday themed mods in the 2010 year. To be honest I was also spending most of the free time that I have had playing Red Dead Redemption, which I can finally say that my player Eraticgod is a rank 5 legend in multiplayer. So to celebrate that and to start off 2011 with a bang I created the Dynamite and Torch mod! This GTAIV only mod will give you two new weapons for your GTAIV game. The first weapon will replace your grenades with a stick of dynamite and the second weapon will replace your molotovs with a torch.
Also if you would like to use the Dynamite or the Torch models in something other than GTAIV you can purchase them from Turbosquid by clicking the link below!