Saturday, June 26, 2010

OMFG I'm alive!!! Just taking a break.....

It's been a while since I have made any new GTA mods and I've gotten a few emails asking if I had died or something. I assure you all that I'm alive and well! I have been working for a major technical support company for the last few months and it has been keeping me really busy. In my free time I've started playing at again and that has kinda ate up most of the time that I would normally use for modding, but not to fear I will still be creating mods for the next GTA game that comes out but for now I will be taking a break from GTAIV modding for a little while. will still be up untill then so that everyone has access to the mods I've made so far and I still love GTAIV and may make a few more GTAIV mods I just currently have nothing new to post due to having a few failed mods that I had been working on that were not turning out right that I have desided not to release!

So untill I release something else new for GTA enjoy the site and feel free to email me your questions at